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Going Through a Difficult Life Transition?

Get Through it With Resilience and Faith

Where High Achieving Women come to overcome life's challenges and gain control over their lives.

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1:1 Purpose Coaching

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Meet The Founder

Salam! I'm the host of the Resilient Muslimah podcast and founder of the platform, a certified life coach dedicated to empowering Muslim women through resilience and confidence. My journey, marked by personal loss and profound growth, deepened my connection with Islam and uncovered my inner resilience. With a rich background in Islamic Studiespersonal development, I blend Islamic teachings with practical resilience strategies to guide women to their fullest potential. At Resilient Muslimah, we explore this unique intersection, helping you build confidence and live a purpose-driven life, anchored in faith.


Jane Doe

Asma N.

I highly recommend Mariam as a life coach. Through our sessions, I learned that we have the power to change our lives by changing the way we think and perceive ourselves and situations. She helped me build confidence by redefining my comfort levels based on my past experiences. I realized that the obstacles standing in my way were made up by myself. One of my favorite lines she said was, 'If I answer a question, I could be right or wrong, but if I don't answer then I'm for sure wrong.' Mariam's objective approach to talking me through different issues was especially helpful. Life coaching with Mariam is a way to change how you view and deal with what is happening. I am grateful for Mariam's guidance and real solutions.

Jane Doe

Maryam A.

When I started working with Coach Mariam, I was unhappy in my career and scared to embark on a new path. Mariam helped me overcome my fear and realize that worst-case scenario, I'd end up in the same place. What I appreciated most about Mariam was her total presence during our sessions, always focused on helping me solve my problems. Mariam's coaching services were effective, fruitful, and transformative. Her commitment to my success and growth was evident, and I highly recommend her to anyone serious about personal development. If you're ready to take your personal growth to the next level, Mariam is the right coach for you.

Jane Doe

Aisha L.

Mariam is a kind and understanding person who provides a safe space for me to express my thoughts and feelings. My biggest breakthrough has been realizing that many of my worries and fears are self-imposed and exist only in my mind. Mariam has helped me face this reality and empowered me to change my mindset. Her guidance has been invaluable as I navigate various changes in my life, including getting married, moving, and becoming a mom. Mariam's coaching style is subtle but effective, and I've seen improvements in myself fairly quickly. Oftentimes others and even therapists try to guide people to one right answer but Mariam doesn’t have that weight on your conversation. She guides you to explore what is best for you and what you think you should do in a realistic situationI highly recommend her to anyone seeking compassionate and effective coaching.

Jane Doe

Ramlah H.

Working with Mariam has been a life-changing experience for me. As I navigate a new career change, struggle with physical health, and try to find a spouse, her coaching has been invaluable. I've learned that I can't control other people's actions or words, but I can control my thoughts and emotions, which has been a huge breakthrough for me. Mariam's coaching style is very personable, and I feel like I'm just chatting with a knowledgeable friend. I wish I had started this coaching journey earlier in my life when I was struggling more. I highly recommend Mariam to anyone who is struggling with anything in life and wants to improve their mental health.

Khadija S.

Mariam is capable of working with her clients on a variety of multi-faceted issues to provide tangible results. Working with her provided me with a healthier routine for me as I struggled with the transition of going back to school after working for a few years. With just a few sessions we were able to incorporate improvements into my daily routine. I would definitely recommend her coaching to anyone who is navigating any issues or big changes in their life.

Jane Doe

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